There’s a saying by the national ice cream chain Cold Stone Creamery that goes along the lines of, “Friends don’t let friends eat grocery store ice cream.” We’re going to apply fairly similar logic here and say that, as a specialty coffee company, “Friends don’t let friends drink grocery store coffee.” That’s fair, right? If you care at all about drinking quality, delicious coffee that actually tastes as good as it makes you feel (caffeine!), then you’ll agree with our sentiment.
Premium Coffee Beans Online...For Less!
Here’s our schtick about the gourmet coffee beans that we sell here at Unique Coffee Roasters: they’re not going to cost you an arm and a leg. While the quality of our premium coffee beans is, in our humble opinion, indisputable (even for all of you coffee aficionados out there), we’re bringing you our carefully-sourced beans at more-than-reasonable prices. Whether you stop by our Staten Island coffee shop for a simple cup of black coffee or you’re stocking up on multiple pounds of our finest single origin roasts, our goal is to deliver the best that coffee has to offer without the ridiculous, pretentious prices of other specialty coffee companies.
Drinking incredible coffee and saving money in the process? Absolutely. You deserve it!
Shop from our signature blends, single origin coffees, flavored coffees, Nespresso® Compatible Capsules, and Keurig® Compatible Pods today. Below, we’re going to go over some of the world’s rarest and most expensive coffee beans for your reading pleasure. Let’s take a look.
El Injerto Peaberry
Unless you’re extremely coffee-savvy, you may not have even heard of this particular roasts. As a varietal grown in Guatemala, these beans are manually processed, meaning that only the small, uniform beans are separated. These beans are known as “peaberries,” and contain a burst of fruit and floral flavors. After a cup of these pricey beans ($60/lb!) is brewed and then cooled down a bit, expect more subtle floral notes and strong citrus flavors. You may even get a wine-like texture as you drink it.
Fazenda Santa Inês
This is a Brazilian coffee with a stark reputation for its consistency grown and harvested throughout the years. Regarded by many as one of the most enjoyable cups of coffee they’ve ever had, the pronounced yet clean and smooth flavor profile makes this an ideal cup for people who don’t even enjoy coffee all that much. At around $50 a pound, of course, you’d expect nothing but quality. The Fazenda Santa Ines beans are grown in a mountainous region of Brazil, and are grown using natural mineral spring water.
As far as flavors go, expect a silky smooth caramel experience accompanied by deep, rich, fruity notes. To get the most out of the flavor — if you ever come across a cup of these beans — consider letting your steaming cup of coffee cool down a fairly good amount.
Okay, now we’ll jack up the price of these beans by about 2x. The Ospina family claims that they are one of the oldest coffee plantations in Colombia, and as such, they’ve had plenty of time to develop the perfect coffee beans for the perfect cup of coffee. Have you ever had coffee beans that were grown in volcanic ash? It sounds strange, but you have to admit that also sounds quite artisan in every sense of the word. Should you come across Ospina Estate Coffee in your coffee drinking adventures, you’ll deeply enjoy a strong, warm caramel and nutty flavor profile complete with a smooth and clean finish. Sounds good to us!
Esmeralda Gesha
Produced in Panama at an average altitude of nearly 5,000 ft, the Esmeralda “especial” is truly a coffee drinkers treat. Of all of the world’s ridiculously expensive coffees, this one is perhaps the most accessible as many large-scale coffee roasters tend to carry these beans from around July to September. Anticipate rose, juniper berry, and even lavender notes with Esmeralda beans.
Premium Coffee Beans Made Uniquely For You
The truth is, we love coffee, too — but we also have a strong passion for bringing coffee drinkers like you with high-quality roasts at reasonable prices. If you’re local to Staten Island, feel free to stop by our coffee shop and chat with us about all things coffee. Otherwise, shop our main collection of incredible gourmet coffee beans today!