Chocolate Biscotti 1 Pack - by flour child
Chocolate Biscotti 1 Pack - by flour child Chocolate Biscotti 1 Pack - by flour child Chocolate Biscotti 1 Pack - by flour child

Rich, indulgent, and unapologetic for its bold chocolate flavor, this is the biscotti that’s helped Flour Child redefine what biscotti can and should be!

Instead of attempting to overpower the Chocolate Biscotti with an espresso or dark roast, our counterintuitive advice is to pair it with a light to medium roast. 

Product Details

Quantity Per Package:
4 individually wrapped pieces, 1.6oz (45g)

Shelf Life:
4 weeks (sealed container)

Air tight container (refrigeration not required)

Raw Almonds, All Purpose Flour, Sugar, Cocoa Powder, Organic Butter, Organic Eggs, Sea Salt, Lemon Juice, Chocolate Chips, Baking Powder (non aluminum), Vanilla Extract Almond Extract